PVA sponge roller is commonly used in wet cleaning process, it also a standard cleaning substance used in many cleaning tools. In Maxwaytec Engineering, we have several PVA sponge roller design commonly used in the market.

Maxwaytec Engineering has been supplying PVA sponge roller in many companies within Malaysia and S.E.A. region. We also assist customer to select appropriate sponge roller to obtain better cleaning result.
Function of PVA Sponge Roller
PVA sponge roller has many application in practical cleaning process, there are several common function user is applying PVA sponge roller in the process.
- Surface Scrubbing.
- Wet Surface Dehydration.
- Part Transfer in Wet Process.
- Block water in a Transfer Tank.
- Chemical coating on a substrate surface.
Available PVA Sponge Roller Design

Sponge roller could be designed and fabricated in many forms and structure, here are a few common sponge designs we supply to our customer.
- Nodular sponge roller.
- Circular sponge roller.
- Square type PVA sponge.
- Circular type PVA sponge.
How to Select Appropriate PVA Sponge Roller?
Even-though PVA sponge roller is able to work with many chemicals solution, this include acidic and alkaline solution, however we always check with our some of the basic information so that we could advise the appropriate PVA sponge roller.
The information we always check with customer:
- What is the process need to install PVA sponge roller?
- What is the purpose or role for PVA sponge roller in this process?
- Any chemical solution involve in the solution?
- Any specific requirement the PVA sponge roller needs to achieve?
- PVA sponge roller dimension requires for the process?
PVA Sponge Roller comes with ID Core?
Due to the application needs, some of the sponge comes with ID core, but some dosn’t. Most of the Circular PVA Sponge Roller comes with PVC Tube core, this is for easy assembly in the line.
Some Details about PVA Sponge Roller?

A demanding customer will not satisfy with a PVA sponge roller unless we are able to tell them more about our PVA sponge roller. The information may include the below:
- Pore size.
- Cleanliness specification.
- Mechanical properties.
- Sponge softness or hardness.
Other material besides PVA Sponge Roller
Because of difference chemical selected in the cleaning process, PVA may not be suitable for the process. In this circumstance, Maxwaytec Engineering will refer other type of sponge roller material such as:
- PO sponge roller
- PU sponge roller
You can find more knowledge about PVA sponge roller via the link on PVA sponge roller FAQ.
In short, you should agree with me that there are broad selections for PVA sponge roller. Maxwaytec is experience in PVA sponge roller, please contact Maxwaytec Engineering and let us be your reliable cleaning partner.